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Therapy For Depression & Anxiety

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Stop being pulled into the story of your past and the story of your future.

Have you been feeling sad, numb, worried, highly emotional, scared, or confused?

What is Depression & Anxiety

There are three main states the mind can be in: the future, the past, and the present.


It is essential for healthy human functioning to utilize all three states. However, when we find ourselves stuck, ruminating on past memories or worrying about the future, there is a potential for us to develop depression or anxiety.


Depression arises from our thinking mind ruminating on past experiences. When we use our ability to think and plan for the future this is normative and healthy. However, when we find ourselves ruminating or worrying over what we will do next we may find ourselves experiencing anxiety and/or depression. 

Are you experiencing Depression or Anxiety?

When we are caught in the story of the past and the story of the future we are disconnected from the third state of mind: the present moment. When we are disconnected from the present moment, we disconnect from our own inner truth, our body and our own selves. 


This disconnection can be confusing, and it may be hard to know what is real or what to believe in, let alone what to do to help ourselves. This disconnection can lead to depression and anxiety that are disruptive to your life.


Some signs that might be an indication you are experiencing anxiety and/or depression are persistent low mood, feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness, poor concentration, feeling restless or wound up, tiredness, erratic sleep habits, changes in your appetite, muscle aches, headaches, and back pain.



It is natural to experience sadness and even anxiety in our lives. But if our life is beginning to be impacted it might be a good time to get help.
Learn more about the approach I work with

Contact us

If your life is being impacted by depression or anxiety or you are unsure but are looking for psychotherapy services for your whole person, please contact us. Your first consultation is always free.

Rock Climbing
"In the middle of winter I at last discovered that there was in me an invincible summer."
-Albert Camus
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